Pakistan is notorious in heart wrenching child labor, smuggling & sex trafficking of innocent children. Pastor Kashif Daniel of SheepMaster Ministries was moved with compassion to add a facility right on top of his home in Lahore, Pakistan to fight this global evil. In this facility rescued orphans will have protection under the direct care of Kashif Daniel and his father Pastor Daniel Barkat. Hope House construction was successfully completed following concrete roof, plumbing & tiling in boys/girls bathrooms by the sacrificial support of the willing vessels.
However, the facility is still far from finished until it is equipped with doors, windows, fans, lights, power supply, bedding, kitchen utensils and other necessities without which orphans cannot reside in the building. You need to jump into this abounding opportunity to equip this shelter of hope. Those crushed spirits needs your compassionate love. Let Hope Arise!
Here are the required items to equip Hope House:
-Fans, 4 ceiling fans, 3 exhaust fans, 8 Energy saver bulbs, 5 Tube lights,
-Doors: 2 bedrooms, Kitchen, Balcony
-Kitchen: Utensils, Water bason, Stove, Water supply pipes, plumbing
-5 Bunk beds, 10 Mattresses
-Solar Panels