For those who haven’t had the experience, it is impossible to understand the depth of the pain caused by the loss of a mate. In fact, the human mind only gradually accepts the terrible reality. Totally abandoned by their grown up children and on the mercy of others, their eyes are looking towards heaven for food help each month. 

There are 200+ scriptures in the Bible relating to widows and/or orphans. It is a mandate to the Church and an obligation of leadership to provide support for the widow.” We have a big heart for widows and destitute children and it’s been 4 years our humble ministry is blessing over 50 widows & their over 100+ children with spiritual and physical food. 

SheepMaster Ministries is determined and committed to alleviating the desperate situation of these women and their children. Without a helping hand from generous donors like you, their destitution will impact on the lives of their children and their children’s children for generations. Please come forward and Help us rebuild their shattered lives. 

Thank you for helping me make a difference!

In His service,

Pastor Kashif Daniel